Prof. Dr. Rene Hurlemann
Medizinstudium, PhD in Neurowissenschaften | Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.René Hurlemann graduated from Medical School of Bonn University where he received his MD in 2001. In 2006, he completed an MSc in Affective Neuroscience at the Universities of Maastricht and Florence. In 2007, he obtained his PhD from Maastricht University. In 2008, he received the Board Certificate in Psychiatry and became a consultant in the department of psychiatry. At present, he is Associate Professor and Head of the Medical Psychology Division at Bonn University as well as Associate Director of the Master in Affective Neuroscience.
The research group „Neuromodulation of Emotion“ (NEMO) focusses on new pharmacological and neuromodulatory therapies in order to establish more rapid and robust methods for treating depression and anxiety. NEMO uses an integrative translational research strategy («from bedside to bench and back again»). Methodologically, NEMO combines insights from behavioral neuroscience in both animals and humans, functional neuroimaging and brain stimulation.
Klinische Neurowissenschaften, Kognitive Neurowissenschaften
Medizinstudium, PhD in Neurowissenschaften | Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.
Position / Tätigkeit:
Direktor der Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Hammers A, Koepp MJ, Hurlemann R, Thom M, Richardson MP, Brooks DJ, Duncan J (2002) Abnormalities of grey and white matter [(11)C]flumazenil binding in temporal lobe epilepsy with normal MRI. Brain 125: 2257-2271 [IF 7.122]
Hammers A, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Hurlemann R, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS (2003) Grey and white matter [(11)C]flumazenil binding in neocortical epilepsy with normal MRI. A PET study of 44 patients. Brain 126: 1300-1318 [IF 7.967]
Strange BA, Hurlemann R, Dolan RJ (2003) An emotion-induced retrograde amnesia in humans is amygdala- and β-adrenergic-dependent. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 100: 13626-13631 [IF 10.272] Supporting Information Comment in PNAS Evaluated as 'must read' (article factor 8) by Faculty of 1000 Neuroscience
Strange BA, Hurlemann R, Duggins A, Heinze HJ, Dolan RJ (2005) Dissociating intentional learning from relative novelty responses in the medial temporal lobe. NeuroImage 25: 51-62 [IF 5.288]
Herzog H, Tellmann L, Fulton R, Stangier I, Rota-Kops E, Bente K, Boy C, Hurlemann R, Pietrzyk U (2005) Motion artefact reduction in parametric PET images of neuroreceptor binding. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 1059-1065 [IF 4.986]
Hurlemann R, Hawellek B, Matusch A, Kolsch H, Wollersen H, Madea B, Vogeley K, Maier W, Dolan RJ (2005) Noradrenergic modulation of emotion-induced forgetting and remembering. The Journal of Neuroscience 25: 6343-6349 [IF 7.506]
Hurlemann R, Tepest R, Maier W, Falkai P, Vogeley K (2005) Intact hippocampal gray matter in schizophrenia as revealed by automatized image analysis post-mortem. Anatomy & Embryology (Berlin) 210: 513-517 [IF 1.255]
Hurlemann R, Boy C, Meyer PT, Scherk H, Wagner M, Herzog H, Coenen HH, Vogeley K, Falkai P, Zilles K, Maier W, Bauer A (2005) Decreased prefrontal 5-HT(2A) receptor binding in subjects at enhanced risk for schizophrenia. Anatomy & Embryology (Berlin) 210: 519-523 [IF 1.255]
Hurlemann R, Matusch A, Eickhoff SB, Palomero-Gallagher N, Meyer PT, Boy C, Maier W, Zilles K, Amunts A, Bauer A (2005) Analysis of neuroreceptor PET data based on cytoarchitectonic maximum probability maps ? a feasibility study. Anatomy & Embryology (Berlin) 210: 447-453 [IF 1.255]
Dolan RJ, Heinze HJ, Hurlemann R, Hinrichs H (2006) Magnetoencephalography (MEG) determined temporal modulation of visual and auditory sensory processing in the context of classical conditioning to faces. NeuroImage 32: 778-789 [IF 5.559]

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften | Department für Humanmedizin
Klinische Neurowissenschaften, Kognitive Neurowissenschaften
Postfach 2503
26111 Oldenburg
+49 (0)441 9615-1501 (Sekretariat in der Karl-Jaspers-Klinik)