Thorsten Fehr

PhD, Habilitation

Herr Privatdozent Dr. Fehr ist Mitarbeiter des Zentrums für Kognitionswissenschaften und des Center for Advanced Imaging der Universität Bremen.
Nach seinem Diplom in Psychologie promovierte Dr. Fehr 2001 in Konstanz und ging dann an die Universitäten Bremen (Abteilung Neuropsychologie) und Magdeburg (Universitätsklinikum, Neurologie) um zu forschen und zu lehren.
2008 folgte die Habilitation zum Thema „Complex mental processing and Psychophysiology“ und die Lehrberechtigung in Psychologie an der Universität Bremen.
Zu seinen Forschungsschwerpunkten gehört die Erforschung der Organisation komplexer Kognitionen (u.a., außerordentliche mentale Leistungen, individuelle mentale Strategien, Reliabilität) und Emotionen (u.a., ökologische Validität, Aggression/Gewalt, Gewalt in den den Medien, Gesichtsausdrücke) im menschlichen Gehirn (Details unter Dabei verwendet er Methoden der fMRT, EEG und MEG.

Kognitive Neurowissenschaften, Neurowissenschaften Allgemein

Psychologie, Methodik, interdisziplinäre Neurowissenschaften

PhD, Habilitation

Position / Tätigkeit:
Privatdozent und Senior Scientist


Publikationen in Fachjournalen

Fehr, T. & Achtziger, A., Roth, G., & Strüber, D. (2014). Neural correlates of the empathic perceptual processing of realistic social interaction scenarios displayed from a first-order perspective. Brain Research, doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2014.04.041.

Fehr, T., Wiechert, J., & Erhard, P. (2014). Variability in color-choice Stroop performance within and across EEG and MRI laboratory contexts. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, DOI 10.3758/s13414-014-0745-9.

Fehr, T. & Achtziger, A., Roth, G., & Strüber, D. (2014). Neural correlates of the empathic perceptual processing of realistic social interaction scenarios displayed from a first-order perspective. Brain Research, doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2014.04.041.

Fehr, T., Wiechert, J., & Erhard, P. (2014). Variability in color-choice Stroop performance within and across EEG and MRI laboratory contexts. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, DOI 10.3758/s13414-014-0745-9.

Fehr T. A hybrid model for the neural representation of complex mental
processing in the human brain. Cogn Neurodyn. 2013 Apr;7(2):89-103. doi:
10.1007/s11571-012-9220-2. Epub 2012 Sep 28. Review.

Nielsen J, Kruger TH, Hartmann U, Passie T, Fehr T, Zedler M. Synaesthesia and sexuality: the influence of synaesthetic perceptions on sexual experience. Front Psychol. 2013 Oct 16;4:751.

Trautmann-Lengsfeld SA, Domínguez-Borràs J, Escera C, Herrmann M, Fehr T. The perception of dynamic and static facial expressions of happiness and disgust investigated by ERPs and fMRI constrained source analysis. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 20;8(6):e66997.

Coventry KR, Christophel TB, Fehr T, Valdés-Conroy B, Herrmann M. Multiple
routes to mental animation: language and functional relations drive motion
processing for static images. Psychol Sci. 2013 Aug;24(8):1379-88.

Fehr T, Wallace GL, Erhard P, Herrmann M. The neural architecture of expert
calendar calculation: a matter of strategy? Neurocase. 2011 Aug;17(4):360-71.

Miedl SF, Fehr T, Meyer G, Herrmann M. Neurobiological correlates of problem
gambling in a quasi-realistic blackjack scenario as revealed by fMRI. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Mar 30;181(3):165-73.

Fehr T, Weber J, Willmes K, Herrmann M. Neural correlates in exceptional
mental arithmetic--about the neural architecture of prodigious skills.
Neuropsychologia. 2010 Apr;48(5):1407-16.

Regenbogen C, Herrmann M, Fehr T. The neural processing of voluntary
completed, real and virtual violent and nonviolent computer game scenarios
displaying predefined actions in gamers and nongamers. Soc Neurosci.

Trautmann SA, Fehr T, Herrmann M. Emotions in motion: dynamic compared to
static facial expressions of disgust and happiness reveal more widespread
emotion-specific activations. Brain Res. 2009 Aug 11;1284:100-15.

Fehr, T., Code, C. & Herrmann, M. (2008). Auditory task presentation reveals predominantly right hemispheric fMRI activation patterns during mental calculation. Neuroscience Letters, 431, 39-44.

Achtziger, A., Fehr, T., Oettingen, G., Gollwitzer, P. & Rockstroh, B. (2008). Strategies of Intention Formation are Reflected in Continuous MEG Activity. Social Neuroscience, 4, 11-27.

Galashan, D., Wittfoth, M., Fehr, T., Herrmann, M. (2008). Two Simon tasks with different sources of conflict: an ERP study of motion- and location-based compatibility effects. Biological Psychology, 78, 246-252.

Fehr, T., Code, C. & Herrmann, M. (2007): Common brain regions underlying different arithmetic operations as revealed by conjunct fMRI-BOLD activation. Brain Research, 1172, 93-102.

Fehr, T., Wiedenmann, P. & Herrmann, M. (2007). Differences in ERP topographies during color matching of smoking-related and neutral pictures in smokers and non-smokers. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 65, 284-293.

Fehr, T., Wiedenmann, P. & Herrmann, M. (2006). Nicotine Stroop and addiction memory - an ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 62, 224-232.

Wienbruch, C., Moratti, S., Elbert, T., Vogel, U., Fehr, T., Kissler, J., Schiller, A. & Rockstroh, B. (2003). Source distribution of neuro-magnetic slow wave activity in schizophrenic and depressive patients. Clinical Neurophysiology, 114, 2052-2060.

Fehr, T., Kissler, J., Wienbruch, C., Moratti, S., Elbert, T., Watzl, H. & Rockstroh, B. (2003). Source distribution of neuromagnetic slow wave activity in schizophrenic patients - Effects of activation. Schizophrenia Research, 63, 63-71.

Fernandez, A., Maestu, F., Amo, C., Gil, P., Fehr, T., Wienbruch, C., Rockstroh, B., Elbert, T. & Ortiz, T. (2002). Focal temporoparietal slow activity in Alzheimer's disease revealed by magnetoencephalography. Biological Psychiatry, 52, 764-770.

Fehr, T., Wienbruch, C., Moratti, S., Rockstroh, B. & Elbert, T. (2001). Statistical discrimination of controls, schizophrenics, depressives and alcoholics using local magnetoencephalographic frequency-related variables. Biomedizinische Technik, 46, Suppl. 2: 242-244.

Amidzic, O., Riehle, H.J., Fehr, T. & Elbert, T. (2001). Focal gamma band activity: the signature of chunks in the expert memory of chess players. Nature, 412, 603.

Fehr, T., Kissler, J., Elbert, T., Wienbruch, C., Moratti, S. & Rockstroh, B. (2001). Source distribution of neuromagnetic focal slow waves and MEG-delta activity in schizophrenic patients. Biological Psychiatry, 50, 108-116.

Publikationen in den Medien

ausgewählte Beiträge:


?Expedition ins Gehirn/Expedition into the Brain? (ARD, Phoenix, 3SAT, ARTE); Topics: „Exceptional Mental Performance“ and „Aggression“


„Johannes B. Kerner“ (ZDF); Topic: ?Mentales Rechnen bei Rechenexperten/Mental Calculation in Experts?


„Future Trend Reportage“ (RTL2/NTV), Topic: „Calender-Savants and Exceptional Mental Performance“

„Planetopia“ (Sat1): „Savants “ Complex Cognition in the Brain?

„Welt der Wunder“ (RTL2/NTV) „ “Kognitive Leistungen bei Computerspielern/ Cognitive Performance in Computer Gamers?

„Galileo“ (Pro7) - ?Die neuronale Repräsentation von komplexen Kognitionen im Gehirn/ The Neural Representation of Complex Cognition in the Brain?


Focus TV (Sat1) „ “Die Repräsentation komplexer Kognitionen im menschlichen Gehirn/ The Representation of Complex Cognition in the Human Brain?

„Neues“ (3Sat/ZDF) „ “Die zerebrale Verarbeitung gewalthaltiger Aspekte in Computerspielen ? Konsequenzen für Forschung und Gesellschaft/The Cerebral Processing of Violence in Computer Games „ Consequences for Science and Society“


NDR-Radio ? Komplexe Kognitionen: Wie funktioniert das Gehirn/ Complex Cognition: How does the Brain work?

ZDF Praxis am morgen ? Violence-related computer games and real violence (live interview)

ZDF Info Kanal „ Tatort Gehirn “ Aggression (complete 15-minutes reportage)


KRFilm/Sat1 ? Genius with Handicap (Complex cognition and potential compensatory neural mechanisms)


SRF ? Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen: Sendung "Kultur Aktuell" zum Thema "Handicap", complex cognition and the human brain

ZDF ? Terra X Faszination Mensch: About the Neural Organisation of Complex Mental Processing in the Human Brain - Experts

Panel discussion "Violence and Media" / HARDline-Festival Regensburg, 2014 (Presentation: Bayrischer Rundfunk)

Universität Bremen


Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften / Center for Advanced Imaging

Kognitive Neurowissenschaften, Neurowissenschaften Allgemein

Hochschulring 18
28359 Bremen

+49 (0)421 218 - 68741

